Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jen Vs. Harry Potter

Here's the thing. I'm just an ordinary person, a regular josephine, just a muggle, if you will. And really all I want to do is celebrate my birth - which is a day to be commended. A celebratory day if you will. But..but...but..but.. Harry Potter is having none of it.

Boxing Announcer: In one corner we have: Boy Wizard, adored by millions in print and on screen...Harry Pot-terr! In the other corner we have: Jen

Harry is a WIZARD. I'm not a wizard. I have no special powers. I don't go to Hogwarts. Voldemort isn't stalking me. I'm not friends with Hermione or Ron. My parents weren't killed by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (but, whoops, I just did!). I don't have an owl or a wand or learn spells. I don't have a cool lightning scar on my head. He wins. In the battle between human and wizard, Wizard wins. Everytime, Wizard Wins.

I'm so glad this is soon to be over. This is the 2nd time in the last 2 years that a Harry Potter movie opens on my Birthday. And three years ago, it was only a few days before and was 'all the talk' on the day of my birth. Why ya gotta hate on me, Harry?

Just in case you were wondering...he was getting it right at first...Harry was showing up in theaters around Thanksgiving normally and leaving me all alone. See...only for that third one, did he even consider showing up near my celebration. Then, the last few years, he's all up in my grill.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone 16 November 2001
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 15 November 2002
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 4 June 2004
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 18 November 2005
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 11 July 2007
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 15 July 2009
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt1 9 November 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt2 15 July 2011

2 years ago I embraced it too late - I tried to resist and then at the last minute - I spent the evening with Harry and my good peep E. Wizard won.

This year, the tagline - It All Ends: 7.15! The end of my birthday? No! The end of this nonsense.

Please don't invite me to see it with you, please don't offer to get me tickets, please don't tell me about your HP movie -watching parties all week. Is it so wrong to want to be remembered? Is it so wrong to want to be celebrated? Wizard wins. Wizard wins.

Truth is - I'd pick a movie over a person most days. Truth is - I just want people to remember its my birthday even if they choose Harry over me. Truth is - if Harry wanted to come to my birthday party, I would welcome it and I would dress up with cloak and a wand and everything. Truth is - Its maybe an honor to share this day with him. Truth is - I love Harry Potter. Truth is - I just hate it when he gets all the fuss and I don't. Truth is - Wizard wins for me too.

PS - Emmy nominations out today. Check out my thoughts: Here


The Atomic Mom said...

I'm not least.

I spend my birthday homeless, then I got to go home and my house smelled like a campfire. But at least it didn't burn down.

But I will call you tomrrow! :)

Happy Birthday!

The Atomic Mom said...

And PS...

How excited am I that you are blogging again?
