Wednesday, April 2, 2008

All About Amber

Today Amber, aka, Frog is 11 years old. This is what she chose to wear on her big day. She loves that belt - I love that I could have worn this when I was 11 in 1984!

Amber is a smart cookie. Here she is getting her Principal Pride Award. She is an avid reader - I have quite a stack of books to read that she has recommended for me. But, math has never been her, we were especially proud when her award was for Math! She is one smart girl!

She's also a good little dancer. This year at her 5th grade program - Amber learned to sock hop with a partner (the cutest boy in the class) to Rock Around the Clock. She was great! She really learned to love learning to dance!

Amber is just one cool chick. In recent months she has developed a cool, relaxed demeanor that I adore. She is just great at chillin' when its time for chillin'!

She also knows how to have fun. Here she is making the most of the tedious Easter pictures experience. She can really show the rest of us how to have a good time!

We are eye glass buddies - here at Disneyland. She always helps me find my glasses...and I her. Aren't we cute?

I loved Amber's cute little fat cheeks when she was a baby. She loves this picture of herself and so do I!

She's off to begin her year as an 11 year old. She's ready to have fun and she's cute as ever.

Happy Birthday, Amber!

**PS Blog friends - this post marks 2 firsts for this blog - did you catch them?