Wednesday, May 20, 2009

About a Blog

I had to delete a comment today for the first time EVER. A grumpy unsupportive comment - after my cathartic, life metaphor ramblings (I fashion myself as Sting - making deep philosophic somethings of nothings like when he wrote: "There's a little black spot on the sun today. That's my SOUL up there.") While the name on the comment said "Anonymous" - undoubtedly it was written by one of the parties involved in the drama I was bemoaning - or at the very least a bottom-dweller unhappy with its own existence. It certainly is akin to the passive aggressive negativity I am used to from many of those involved or those truly unhappy with themselves. All I can say is - how disappointing. I've been wondering if I should continue this blog. I recognize that this is not a decision of great importance and it probably doesn't even matter. Scrambling today to try to figure out HOW to delete a comment - had me realizing - I've had a nice supportive time of it. I have enjoyed my time in the blog community - writing and reading blogs and I have to say am sorely disappointed by this dose of the reality of it. I enjoy writing. And I certainly enjoyed detailing the adventures of my life with those adorable aliens. But, who knows if I will have more adventures to detail. One thing is for certain - I'm glad I now know how to delete.

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