Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Once there was a snowman...

Do you know this song?

Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman.
Once there was a snowman tall, tall, tall.
In the sun he melted, melted, melted.
In the sun he melted small, small, small.

Bear learned it in kindergarten...or primary...I'm not sure. Whomever taught it to him - is NOT my friend. He sings it NON-STOP. This little ditty is constantly swirling in my head and all the aliens end up singing it. I'm beginning to dream about a snowman melting "small, small, small..." There are moments when I think this song is worse than "Its a Small World" --which sometimes I sing in my head to get rid of the snowman song. Please, please help me.


amylouwhosews said...

I feel your pain. Alison loves the song - BUT, she can't SING IT YET!!! So guess who has to keep singing? Yep that's right. I hate it's a small world too. I'm surprised there's not a Stephen King movie out featuring the creepy dolls from the ride.

Anonymous said...

It's far better than the "Three Fat Turkeys Are We" song! lol