Sunday, August 12, 2007

Flower is sooo Totally Grounded!

Here is a picture of the Salt Lake City Library where we went today. We went in the daytime and not the night - so obviously I did not take this picture (Its too good anyway to claim)...why am I not posting pictures of the aliens and Grandma atop this lovely building today? Why? You ask why? Well, because the 8 year old Flower alien ran off with my camera yesterday and can not remember what she has done with it. She got all girly-weird with me yesterday when I wanted to take a picture of her in her new pink cleats, a bright-white skirt, cute top holding her new soccer ball. It was so cute and all "girl power-y". Anyway, she grabbed the camera and ran off with it (and I didn't get said cute picture)...and today, it is lost. I actually said the words, "That's it, you are grounded until you find it!" - suddenly morphing in to my mother or my father for that matter - sometime in the 1980's. Grounded from what I'm not sure, as "grounding" ground rules have yet to be established at my house. I miss my camera. And I'm not sure if I'm embarassed or not that I mostly miss it - because I want to take current pictures to post on this blog. Does that make me pathetic? Does that make me obsessive? Or is that just alright with everyone?

ANYWAY, we went to this pretty building and got library cards and checked out books...and no one told me there was a whole room of computers in the Children's Library with video games on them. We would have been in there all day - if I hadn't run the 3 oldest ones out of there. We could have sat home all day playing video games and then no one would have had to get out of their pajamas!

It was fun, the kids had a grand old time...and they will be quiet enjoying their books. Then we went to the Gateway Mall and watched the jumping water and the fountains and went to see "Underdog". Which was enjoyed by all. It was a fun day. But, dang it - I didn't have my camera! Flower is sooo totally grounded!


Anonymous said...

You oughta tell her that she's lucky you aren't her mom, cuz her mom would have throttled her!

Anonymous said...

She was sooo girl power! And utterly adorable, and ran downstairs towards the basement with it as I laughed at her that day. Good luck finding it!

Paige said...

Oh yeah, I always carry my camera now because of the blogobsession. It's a disease, and it just gets worse. To ground her, put her in the laundry room until you forget about her. Then when she creeps out and timidly asks if she can come out, feel really guilty you forgot about her and give her a yummy treat. And yourself one. Not really effective parenting but at least everyone gets a treat!