Monday, August 27, 2007

First First Day of School

Today was the first of the 2 first days of school (Kindergarten starts next Tuesday) and I didn't think we would make it through the nervous excitement - but the aliens got off bright and early at 7:57am when the bus pulled up. It was the first bus ride to school they've ever taken, I was informed. It was the first time they've gone to school in Utah, I was informed. It was the first time they took their new backpacks and first time they took their new lunchbox and first time I walked with them down to the bus stop - there were a lot of firsts... I'm just glad we don't commemorate the second time we do anything!

All ready - half an hour early! Monochromatic was the theme of the day...

The walk down the street to the school bus - they were in a rush and walking FAR ahead of me.

On the bus - and off they went


Paige said...

Be grateful for that bus. I have 2 drop-offs and 2 pick-ups every day which cuts into my nap. No buses in CA.

Celia Fae said...

Yeah, the bus thing makes me want to move to Utah. Almost.

Anonymous said...

thank you thank you thank you for taking pics of my kids on their way to school. it's a tradition of sorts, i always take pics of them on the first day of school each year. *sniffle* i miss them, they look so eager and ready to tackle everything! :) again, thank you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun to see! Makes me want to go buy myself some new pens and a notebook. Ahhh... school.