I think most of the musings in my head could start with the line, "there is a line in this John Mayer song". I worship at the ground of his lyrics. Words already resonate deeply with me - but a lot of his... well - they make me think.
There is this line in this John Mayer song...
"You know it's nothing new
Bad news never had good timing
Then the circle of your friends
Will defend the silver lining"
I've been thinking a lot about the people in my life willing to "defend the silver lining" of my world. There are a few choice people in my world who have very literally been surrounding me with those life paddles you see on all the medical shows screaming "Clear!" to the difficulties surrounding me - desperately working to bring me back to life. And, the monitor is beeping - and the beeping is getting stronger. I have begun to breathe new life - in many ways my heart has been shocked back to life. I'm pretty sure I'm still hooked up to machines keeping me going, but I am starting to breathe on my own again. And I've still got a team coming in and out defending the silver lining of it all. How lucky I am for that surrounding circle of goodness, wellness, love and friendship. Love my peeps!