Thursday, March 27, 2008

P J H!

I was a Poston Panther for my junior high years (7-9) in Mesa, Arizona. Our colors were Orange and brown. We had a bright orange panther as our mascot and someone who dutifully wore that thing to all our events. I loved P J H! In the 9th grade, I was named the top female of the whole grade - I got a big panther trophy - its a black cast iron panther on a base. It was unexpected and very cool. I was the elected secretary of the National Junior Honor Society for the school. I was in choir and all of the accelerated classes - it was cool to be smart. Ah, I had such promise back then. Today - I'm wearing orange and brown - Orange top and brown pants and I'm thinking about good old Poston Junior High. Since my years there 86-88. They changed the colors! They changed them to turquoise and white - I think...I'm sure ont he turqoise. Its such a travesty. Orange and brown are a very memorable combination. At least they are still the panthers. I wonder if they have a big bright turquoise panther?! Funny. They have also extended the name...they call it CD Poston Junior High. (Charles in the picture). That is weird. I liked it when I got to shout P! J! H! at all of the football games. Ah, how sad is it that junior high are my glory days sort of. Ah..and nothing tops the experience like my 8th grade Heroes class (yes, Heroes - we learned about Heroes...I've often wondered if NBC took their idea from my junior high curriculum) and Mr. Little and his rubber chicken. Times were never so good.

This post is dedicated to my BFF Melba, aka Eden - who I met in Mr. Little's class and with whom I will be forever bonded since we were the only two girls in that class who didn't have Guess jeans or a Forenza bag.