Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Blogging is fun! Especially at 4am

Its 4 am. The middle of the night is really the only time I can read my favorite blogs when I'm at home (Its amazing the things I can classify as "work" at my job). And tonight (okay...this morning) I'm starting my own. I love to write. I love to have opinions. I love to share. I love to convince people that my way is better than their way. I love to let people in on my discovered secrets of life and I like to be let in on theirs. That should make me perfect for the blog o sphere...but somehow I feel pressure. Pressure to be cool enough, funny enough, engaging enough, erudite (thank you American President) enough. Its like the start of high school, with all of its pressures for acceptance - I should be more excited like high school, I've wanted to do this for a very long time....but at 4am, its hard to muster excitement.

I'm awake at 4am for many reasons. First, I ate too many cookies and my tummy was rumbling somewhere in the 2am hour. Second, because the 8 year old at my house informed me at 2:30, 3 and 3:15 that she couldn't sleep, and groggy Aunt could think of nothing to say but "try harder" "stop fidgeting and close your eyes" and my favorite of my glorious inspirational sleep advice "go to bed!" She's asleep now...it will be fun to wake her in a few hours. I was here reading blogs when she last informed me of her insomnia...and I began to feel bad that when I am awake in the middle of the night I get to play on the internet, when she can't sleep, she is stuck in her room with only a nightlight and is constantly shushed to be quiet. But, then I thought...sometimes its harder to be 8 than 34. Sometimes....not so much...but tonight, (okay, okay...this morning) it is definitely harder to be 8.

So, here I go out into the blogging world...its going to go one of two ways for me. Either...this is it...one post at 4am and maybe another every few months...or I will become obsessed. I'm not good at balance...and I usually am either obsessed or disinterested in things...and most commonly...obsessed then disinterested. So, we'll see how this goes. But, for now at 4:19am, HERE I AM. (In 1978 - 1978 was a very good year for me.)